Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

charles dickens

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is a classic book. Correction: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is a great classic book.

great expectations by charles dickens

Great Expectations takes the reader through the life of Mr. Pip, starting out in his small town outside of London, England “in the marsh country down by the river, twenty miles of the sea.” and through his acquiring great expectations. The story takes place in what I would guess to be late 19th century England.

Let me clarify what great expectations are: a lot of wealth. Pip comes into a lot of wealth. Continue Reading →

The Photography of Martin D Barker

Martin D Barker is a fashion and fine art photographer. He bases himself out of the UK and USA: New York, Glasgow, London. Basically, a dream job.

His work is filled with fashion, think similar to Black Milk, except it’s Abandon Ship styles, a UK brand with a similar feel… streetwear I guess one would call it.

I like this style. It’s edgy with a 90s Bowie feel. It’s androgynous and still bad enough to light fires in the desert with.

I think the photograph I first saw that made me fall in love with Martin’s work was this one, where the girl stands in the background with her hands raised up, and the boy standing the foreground enjoying life. Looming in the near distance is a GIANT waterfall.


Photo source: Martin D Barker |

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London, England

The world over knows of a handful of towns, those cities that no matter where you go people nod in recognition of the city you speak of. Places like New York, Shanghai, Berlin, and Moscow are all in this boat, and so is London, England. Dare I mention that they also hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Photo source: Ned Tobin |

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Game Lapse by Jaybo Monk

Jaybo Monk is a man whom you meet and never forget. His honesty and sincerity is what makes his art so pure, so essential.

There have been many late nights where I’ve debated the purpose of art with him; Jaybo always has the romantic stance that art should be created to express what must be expressed. Everything is just secondary.

It’s easy to see this in his work. It’s also easy to see into his minds eye with his work.

Recently, on 16.08.2012 Jaybo created some of the most extraordinary pieces of art I’ve had the pleasure to look at for a solo show at Rook & Raven Gallery / London. They explore white space and shapes with an emphasis on the olympics.I perticularily love how he manages to create a surreal exposé  of the lustful imagination mixed with wild beasts… and the muscle structure.

How do you like them?

Photo source: Jaybo Monk |

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London Riots: Hackney, Croyden, et. al. Part II; The Follow-up

Recently BBC has released their stats on the riots in London, which have come as quite surprising to me, if nothing else, quite revealing.

As of Aug 11, 2011, they are claiming that there has been more nearly 2500 arrests made all across England, 922 alone in London, with only 56 of them being charged so far.

Their stats show that nearly 70% of the people charged are between the ages 15-24. Simply astounding. Such kids getting so aggressive, which possibly explains the poor fellow that lost his life to a police bullet.

But, not all is lost to the mayhem, and like other silly riots, a great effort has been made by what would seem the more sophisticated part of the society to help aid in the rehabilitation. Continue Reading →