Death of Sardanapalus by Eugène Delacroix

Death of Sardanapalus by Eugène Delacroix

Inspired by Lord Byron’s 1821 poem ‘Sardanapalus’, Eugène Delacroix painted Death of Sardanapalus in 1826.

However, the scene painted by Delacroix is much more tempestuous and busy compared to what Lord Byron had written.

In this painting, the King watches as his harem is slaughtered before his eyes, after the loss of battle. One throws herself at his feet in her dying moments.

This scene is very exemplary of the Romantic movement, with rich tones, emotional body gestures and expressions… creating generally epic scenes of human tragedy.

It is interesting to note how Delacroix, and other artists were frequently influenced by literature. Théophile Gautier said: “the artists read the poets, and the poets visited the artists. We found Shakespeare, Dante, Goethe, Lord Byron, and Walter Scott in the studio as well as in the study. There were as many splashes of color as there were blots of ink in the margins of those beautiful books which we endlessly perused. Imagination, already excited, was further fired by reading those foreign works, so rich in color, so free and powerful in fantasy.”

the Death of Sardanapalus by Eugene Delacroix

the Death of Sardanapalus by Eugene Delacroix


Victoria’s Royal London Wax Museum

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to head on over to Victoria to go see the Royal London Wax Museum right in the harbor. I gotta say, it was everything I thought it would be, and more.

First off, the sculptures were pretty damn life like. Sometimes I was caught wondering is this what they really looked like? I’ve always wondered.

It started off as a more royalty row, where there was a lot of royalty figures along the way, kings with their queens, prime ministers, presidents etc.

It soon moved along to influential figures of the past 100 years or so. Figures like Gandhi, Cleopatra (above), Buddha (above),  Shakespeare, Columbus and Clark, da Vinci, Babe Ruth, Confucius, The Pope, Gordie Howe, etc. Like I said, seeing them was just kind of cool. I’ve always read about them, knew of most of them, and to see them was interesting.

After that, I headed downstairs to the dungeon. Now that was the highlight of the whole trip. Made it worth admission. There were slaughters, hangings, burnings, guillotines, Hitler, and so on. Just gorific!

From here, the visitor was taken through the creative side of life, with the last supper re-enactment, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Alice in Wonderland, Clint Eastwood, and even the Ice Age exploration.

I suggest for you all to go check it out. Its fairly cheap, and its a pretty interesting way to spend a bit of time exploring.