On The House by Head of the Herd

The first track I heard of Head of the Herd blew my socks off, and so did the next track, and so did the one after that. This same pattern continued until I had exhausted everything I could find to listen to by these two guys, Neu and Clay.

Seriously, before I say anything further, go to their website and download their free CD, stuff like this doesn’t last long free.

Their music style is heavy with bass, solid raunchy drum beats, and fat ass guitar licks. When I had their CD cranked in my car last night, I was remembering some of Robert Plants lyrics and harmonica when I heard some of their lines. Plant would get the same sound from the mic’s as these guys do.

I am a huge fan of the variety of instruments these guys use. Banjo, acoustic, electric, bass, drums, tambourines, and all sorts of rattling things and slides I’m sure they use all over the place too!

Knock Me Down has the organ that I so love throughout it, just oozing with goodness, then those spells of just a drum beat and soft organ, you know those epic moments?

You Got Me Now and Little Lamb have got Black Keys written all over it. Just raunchy awesomeness with a killer beat.

Ain’t My Day is one of those songs that builds up the whole time. You feel like it’s about to explode into oblivion at any moment, but maybe it’s just the way they capture their vocals in it that gives this illusion I so love.

I love how the banjo shows up in Erinyes. “I spend shivers up and down my spine” is a very fitting bit of lyrics. This is one of those bands that just seem to have everything together, lyrics match the songs, match the instruments, match the sound.

I particularly like how they wear suspenders.

The harmonica comes out in When I Met The Devil. Maybe it’s a drinking song.

She Wants It All just explodes. This may have been the song that played most damage to my speakers. Just fat bass, mixed with killer licks and explosions of sorts.

I also love Devil Woman, probably for sentimental value, “You’re a devil woman, you’re an evil soul, you know I don’t want to baby, yet I love you so.” That’s the kind of killer lyrics these boys pump out. It doesn’t really get better than that.

I think Lock the Door exemplifies their killer guitar riffs; simple, yet absolutely amazing. This really is true blues mixed with rock to make some of the best music I’ve heard in a while. They call it “Modern blues with one hell of an edge.”

25 Minutes To Go is a Johnny Cash cover. It’s acoustic, and eerie, and amazing.

Honestly, I hope this article at least touches the surface on how good these guys are, and I hope it invites you to head to get their record. They are currently doing a little tour, next up is Joe’s Apartment in Vancouver. I’ll be there.

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