The Photography of Sergio Buss

The Photography of Sergio Buss

Photographer Sergio Buss (fb, instagram, Become a Song) has an immediately arresting style. You can practically smell his photographs, feel the balmy humidity, or hear the fan clicking away in the background of the lazy day. In short, Sergio’s photography transports you to a place that’s hard to leave.

The Photography of Sergio Buss

One of my favorite qualities of his work is how he’s not afraid to let the grain show, a particularly unique soft spot I have developed from early Japanese street photography (see Daido Moriyama). What I also really appreciate is Sergio’s use of locations. He uses space as part of the photograph, not as something to be removed. With this in mind, he occasionally has walls cutting through half the image, or plants in the way. Love it! Continue Reading →

The Photography of David Burton

It is hard to begin with David Burton. His work is beautiful, if I had to pick one word to describe it. It’s lit very naturally, it is fashion without trying, it is class, sensuality, and presence all mixed into a palette of browns and earths and splashes of sun kissed colour. It can also be just black and white.

Photo source: David Burton |

Photo source: David Burton |

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Alexandra Valenti is Up In Smoke

This article started off about fashion in smoke, then quickly turned to a profile of Alexandra Valenti after I looked at her photographs, where I found her smoke work.

Simply beautiful.

There are some artists you look at their work and you see a distance, a disconnect between personality and style. Then, there are other artists who integrate every essence of their body into what they capture with the lens. As an outside viewer, I almost get the feeling that I have just read Alexandra’s secret pages of a notebook she’s tirelessly drawn flowers, hearts, vines, and birds all over.

Oh, and she does it with some amazing style.

Photo source: Alexandra Valenti |

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Useless Keys: a Band Review

Grunge fans, your post-Nirvana phase will be rebuilt with the psychedelic sounds of Useless Keys. They’re currently in the studio to record the album Anything But White Noise, their debut LP. The band has been around for several years, and I have followed them for about two.  I’ve seen members come and go, and now I am so pleased to announce they are back to their original four. Continue Reading →

Kiev: a Band Review

Kiev is one of Orange County, LA’s hottest up and coming DIY bands. They’ve exploded in the last 6 months after their mind blowing live 3D show, which has helped them win several local music awards. On top of this they are all over the music scene in both video and article reviews. Continue Reading →

Rival Sons: a Band Review

Attention Rock and Roll junkies: this is the all-star, stage-dominating, touch-you-deep-in-your-homegrown-soul Los Angeles band you’ve been looking for.  Rival Sons has been rocking the scene since 2008, bringing their soulful and gritty sound from L.A. to Europe and back.  Often compared to The Black Keys, Band of Skulls, or even AC/DC, their sound has developed a loyal following, and I predict something huge on the horizon.  Here are some recent shots from a packed house at Hemmingway’s in Hollywood. Continue Reading →

South Central Farm, LA

Image Courtesy of Lane Barden

In 2006, thousands of supporters poured their time, energy, money, and bodies into a cause for growth, for beauty, for a little piece of magic in an ever growing cement urbanism.

In 2006 Ralph Horowitz ordered his bulldozers to destroy the largest urban farm in USA located at East 41st and South Alameda in South Los Angeles, California, called South Central Farm,  instantly destroying 14 acres of community, sharing, plants, vegetables, and education for the 350 families that cultivated the land. Continue Reading →

Playoff Hockey, Coachella, Exams, and Sakura

Spring time brings a plethora of excitement for people all over the world. It symbolizes new beginnings with calves being born, spring flowers budding, grass turning green, trees growing new life, houses opening windows and emptying dust pans, and garage sales just to name a few. But, most of all, it symbolizes playoffs, that is if you’re a hockey or basketball fan.  Those of you that are, probably already know that Yukon took the final four tournament beating Butler a few weeks ago, but now the NBA Playoffs have started. Today has the first games. Continue Reading →