Chicken Basilica

Tonights dinner was sliced and fried chicken thighs, or what I like to call Chicken Basletta. It was fried up and placed on a rice field with a few tomatoes to garnish the dish.

Of course extra virgin olive oil is added to the pan.

I sliced up the chicken thighs, and spiced it up with basil, tarragon, curry powder, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, tumeric, and cumin. I vary the amounts depending on my moods, but always go heavy on the tarragon and sesame seeds. This time, due to the balsilica influence, I went heavy on the basil as well. Also, to this basilica chicken, I added two slices of onion and two cloves of garlic.

During this whole process, the rice has already boiled and left to simmer so they will be done at the same time.

When the chicken is about 3/4 done, I then add chopped mushrooms (2 large ones), a chopped carrot, and a cup of broken up broccoli, and let this fry with the chicken.

After this fries for a little longer, and everything is almost done now, I chop up a tomato into cubes and add them to the frying number. I left a few slices to garnish the dish at the end, which I flavored with sea salt and black pepper. This simmers for a little while longer, and is ready to be served.. maybe with a glass of pinot noir?

I would love to hear how it turns out for you, and if you have any suggestions on how to give this dish some extra life!

2 Thoughts on “Chicken Basilica

  1. Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

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