Cleaning the House

Today I’ve decided to help my mother clean the house. It’s not my house, I come here once or twice a year since its about a 10hr drive for me. I’ve decided that my mom needs some help.

It makes me feel good to do something that I know my mother resents because she has 3 other men all the time just making a mess. She is working full time, my father is retired, and my brothers are both relatively not working… most of the time.

But the thought about helping mother out, makes me feel like my stay here has been worth while. It makes me feel like I’ve done a good deed to trump all deeds that I have thus far accomplished.

I think its extremely important to forget yourself for a little while, and think about what you can do for the people around you. You make their life just a little bit more free, and you give yourself a sense of worth and service. This doesn’t necessarily mean clean the house, but it might mean going to get the groceries, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn. Who knows what you can think of as a good thing to do to help out the important people.

Everybody likes some help 🙂 .

So what are you going to do today?

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