Game Lapse by Jaybo Monk

Jaybo Monk is a man whom you meet and never forget. His honesty and sincerity is what makes his art so pure, so essential.

There have been many late nights where I’ve debated the purpose of art with him; Jaybo always has the romantic stance that art should be created to express what must be expressed. Everything is just secondary.

It’s easy to see this in his work. It’s also easy to see into his minds eye with his work.

Recently, on 16.08.2012 Jaybo created some of the most extraordinary pieces of art I’ve had the pleasure to look at for a solo show at Rook & Raven Gallery / London. They explore white space and shapes with an emphasis on the olympics.I perticularily love how he manages to create a surreal exposé  of the lustful imagination mixed with wild beasts… and the muscle structure.

How do you like them?

Photo source: Jaybo Monk |

Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |


Photo source: Jaybo Monk |

2 Thoughts on “Game Lapse by Jaybo Monk

  1. Pingback: AtoZ With Jaybo Monk by Rogier Postma « Artists « Chronicles of Times

  2. Pingback: Artist Januz Miralles « Artists « Chronicles of Times

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