Tangled Wires: an Art Show

Ayden Galleries in Tinseltown, downtown Vancouver hosted Tangled Wires, a show curated by the talented Indigo hosting a plethora (10 to be exact) of local talent.

The artist showing includes:

Brent Clowater http://www.brentclowater.c​om/
Andy Dixon http://www.andydixon.net/
Adam Dodd http://adamdodd.com/
Ensoe http://www.ensoeart.com/
Indigo http://indigosadventures.w​ordpress.com/
Alison Lilly http://alisonlilly.blogspo​t.com/
Colin Moore http://www.illustratemoore​.com/
Scott Sueme http://www.suemenow.com/
Andrew Young http://hedrew.blogspot.com​/

The show seemed to have an underlined triangle theme. When asked about this, Scott Sueme mentioned it was less about the triangle itself than the space around it.

The art was all really great, some of it was a little unexpected, for some of the artist were adventuring into areas I’m not used to seeing them play in, but none-the-less, the art was up, and it was great.

Some of my most favorite pieces were of Brent Clowater, where he used everything from ball point pen, highlighter, to acrylics on it, one shown below.

All photographs, unless otherwise noted, are courtesy of Julia Kozlov http://juliakozlov.com

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