Artist Marius Markowski (b. 1976, Poland) (FB) creates pieces that exhibit such raw emotional sensitivity it catches one off guard (and ones breath). Marius exposes shapes and plays heavily with emotions. I really enjoy the busyness of the pieces, the chaotic simplicity. What is of particular interest to me, is the blending technique Marius uses, or rather, the exposed blending. How there are abrupt and clear lines for brush strokes.
Perhaps this is a result of Marius Markowski being a digital painter. Though he says of his work, “My artistic effort in digital painting founded its origin in the oil painting, where I was passionately focusing my energy for several years. One day I had the idea to prepare an image on the computer in order to have more liberty in the development process. I experimented with these new tools and so discovered my enthusiasm for digital painting.”
“In my artwork, I try to create vivid visual stimuli and have no intention to convey a political, moral or ideological message. I simply enjoy expressions of feelings, moods, ambiance and sensual perceptions.”
I had the opportunity to ask Marius a few questions.
I’ve read that you started painting with oils, then moved to the digital world to see how you could manipulate the pieces differently, and now you’re back to exploring more with oils? Are you trying to explore a common ground, mixing between the two worlds now?
I personally like painting with oil and love the traditional methods but I also like to experiment in different styles and medium. It would be interesting to combine different mediums.
I did paint with acrylic over a digital painting that I printed on canvas and its works well for me. I liked the result.
For myself, I always feel a bit of hesitation when shifting from a very traditional medium, like oil painting, into a much more modern sphere like digital art. How do you feel about this transition?
I can understand your hesitation and doubt when someone uses the help of the modern technology. I thought the same before. Although I liked the new medium of digital painting I was doubting to do art in this way. Especially if you want to sell them lately in galleries. But there was one important moment I had when visiting the famous art Basel exhibition. I saw some cheap prints on canvas for sale in a high price league, some simple work on cardboard. And this is a big Expo from the most famous artist from all over the word.
From this moment on I lost my doubt about doing my way of art in a digital medium.
The good thing by digital work is you can offer a limited edition prints and this works well for me.
I will never give up painting with the traditional methods. As I mention above, I love to paint with some real brushes to.
I notice that some of your works incorporate an identifiable background in them, whereas others have backgrounds that are much more abstract or even non-existent. I’ve not found any dates for your works, so it’s hard to identify where you have come from in regards to composition, and where you are exploring, where you’re headed in the future with compositions. Can you explain your thoughts and process here?
I like the texture of a brushstroke and like to combine the subject and as well the background with the beautiful texture. The background has as much importance for me as the subject I paint. I like that they are in some harmony together. I don’t know where I’m headed in the future. I like to change different styles.
Brazil and Switzerland. Is this a migration? You were born in Poland right? A few sites say you were born in Switzerland.
I know there are some different statements about my nationality. I’m a Swiss citizen but was born in Poland. When I was 5 I came to Switzerland. The last 8 years I’ve been living 6 months a year in Brazil where my wife is from, and the other six months of the year we stay in Switzerland.
How do you find your subjects/models?
Most photographie. I would like to have a model but can’t afford it. 🙂
I have seen some pieces in your collection that play off of old masters, like The Scream by Edvard Munch. Has exploring these pieces, these old masters, helped you learn where you’d like to go with your art?
Not really. I don’t get inspired by the old Masters, and I don’t go the same way as they do.
Are there any modern artists influencing you today you’d like to share?
Yes, they are many good modern artist I feel more connected. At the moment, I’m very inspired by Jeremy Mann. There was a time when drawn by Voka. Jeremy Sutton helped me in the digital field. There are more artist but can’t mention them all.
Can paint a picture in words of what your creative space looks like, and what your creative process goes like? (Some essential tools you have to create with, where you create, and how you set the mood for creating)
I like to paint in the night when everybody is sleeping.
If you could pick one place in the world to be at, your favorite place, where would you choose, and why?
In the external world I like to spend summertime in Switzerland and wintertime in Brazil. But there are so many beautiful places.
But more important is the internal world. The state of a mind that is peaceful, satisfied and wise. That is the best place to stay.
What does Marius do when he’s not painting?
In Switzerland I have go to work because I can’t make a living just by art. So I work in a old age home and help old people who are in need of help. The rest of the time I enjoy family life. I have a one year old son that I spend a lot of time with.
Thank you very much for your time Marius. Like I said, your work is extremely sensitive, emotional, and captivating. I can’t wait to find more of your work and see where it goes. Keep it up!
Thank you for the interest.