My latest desire is to get myself a new watch. I’m having a hard time deciding between my picks though…
So, here are the choices:
1. The Time Teller Retrometrique by Nixon
2. The Rubber Player in Black and Red by Nixon
3. Destroyer in blue by Vestal
4. The Newton in Black and Gray by Nixon
5. The Newton in black by Nixon
6. The Block in black by Nixon
Does anybody have any suggestions on which one I should get?
The Time Teller Retrometrique by Nixon
I like the Nixon Newton watch. I personally have been looking for the perfect all-white watch, but so far I haven’t been able to find a nice one within my budget….
I’m leaning on that one. It goes for around $130.. π
Great blog 9/10! Bookmarked π
Came across your website through Yahoo. I will be joining to your feed.
Thanks for the kind words π
I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a web site soon, and your facts will be very interesting for me.. Thanks for all your aid and wishing you all the success.
Thank you! I don’t believe im an expert, but I like watches! Hopefully Ill have more soon π
All I can say is keep it up. This blog is so necessary in a time when everyone just wants to talk about how many people someones cheated on their wife with. I mean, thanks for bringing intelligence back to the web, its been sorely missed. Great stuff. Please keep it coming!
Thanks, I like to bring information in the way of specs and photos so that people can make their own opinion of some things.
Thanks for your kind words.
Thanks for good article. Hope to see more soon.
I hope I will not disappoint!
I will quite simply say you actually put together many excellent ideas and I will submit a number of thoughts to add in shortly.
Fantastic post, I really look forward to updates from you.
Love your site man keep up the good work
Thanks Blossom π I shall try.
Awesome information! Now I dont have to blog about it xD
I love them, although there are so many more that I would like as well. So hard to pick just a few.