The Photography of Sergio Buss

The Photography of Sergio Buss

Photographer Sergio Buss (fb, instagram, Become a Song) has an immediately arresting style. You can practically smell his photographs, feel the balmy humidity, or hear the fan clicking away in the background of the lazy day. In short, Sergio’s photography transports you to a place that’s hard to leave.

The Photography of Sergio Buss

One of my favorite qualities of his work is how he’s not afraid to let the grain show, a particularly unique soft spot I have developed from early Japanese street photography (see Daido Moriyama). What I also really appreciate is Sergio’s use of locations. He uses space as part of the photograph, not as something to be removed. With this in mind, he occasionally has walls cutting through half the image, or plants in the way. Love it! Continue Reading →

Photographer Lee Jeffries

Lee Jeffries has found a way to capture some of the most emotional and spiritual iconographic images I have ever seen. Yes, he does it well. Mostly in black and white, he focuses on homeless; people with skin so textured, with fingernails permanently stained, with scars and wild eyes… Lee Jeffries takes photographs of people who have so much character and definition that stories instantly flow forth from the photographs he takes.

Make no bones about it, the photographs are portraits. They’re close cropped, shallow depth, superbly lit, mostly black background, slightly vignetted images that talk about history in one single shutter release.

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Photo source: Lee Jeffries |

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The Portraits of Carlo Calope

Portrait photography has been around since the beginning of photography. Photographers like Arnold Newman, Robert Mapplethorp, Robert Frank, Art Kane, etc. have been legendary and ground breaking photographers that have altered what was perceived a portrait, escaping from the norm.

To become unique in the art of the portrait photograph is indeed something that is as defining as ones own face, an art that has changes with such subtle nuances that help solidify it’s uniqueness.

Carlo Calope‘s photography explores this precious line of portrait photography with his delicate touch he puts on each and every image. The colors used in each series’ seems to match perfectly with the model used and the location chosen, but that’s aside from his portrait work. His portrait work seems to reach into the depths of a soul, pulling out character and features in such a way that allows for the viewer to understand.

The following photographs are taken from Calope’s series Portraits Section I and Le Mannequin, simply to show more of his work.

Photo credit: Carlo Calope |

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