Bicycles the Csepel Royal Way

Photo source: Csepel Royal |


To create a bike that personifies the rider is a dream. Piece by piece, custom coloring, and… well.. EPIC! For every bike junkie out there, there is also a bike tweaker who cannot stop taking a allen key to their bike. This is their playground, this is their dream.

Introducing Csepel Royal, an opportunity to create a unique bike that matches your character. What do they offer? Well, if the photograph above doesn’t give you a hint, they offer all bike parts in single colors!

Photo source: Csepel Royal |


I guess they’re a fixie, sure, why not be a fixie? It’s the cool thing isn’t it?

Photo source: Csepel Royal |


Photo source: Csepel Royal |


Concept is great. Look is cool. Parts are rad. Bikes are good. Exercise is healthy. Now go pedal!

Photo source: Csepel Royal |

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