Day 2 of 10 Day Fast

As the title clearly states, today is the completion of day two of my ten day fast. I woke up this morning feeling alright, took a shower, shaved and brushed my teeth, and now as I sit here I’m feeling slightly nauseous. I’m a little disturbed at this, for I really don’t like this feeling and know its my body telling me something, but I’m highly suspect its the fact that I haven’t drunk any liquids since last night when I went to bed. It could also be the 6hrs I got for sleep that also combine with this.

Yesterday I had some exercise. I walked up to the store, and I also did some light yoga as well as meditation that made me feel really and surprisingly positive about life. I enjoy those feelings.

I find that I am really focusing on my movements, and taking care with everything. Doors are getting shut lighter, steps are more ginger, and my peace of mind moves at a more crisp pace. I like this as well. I hope I can keep these traits for some time.

One thing that worries me is the tea I was drinking yesterday was Goji Berry tea. I’m wondering if this is the cause for my wooziness this morning, but I highly suspect its because of lack of hydration rather then wrong hydration. I’m on the water thats for sure!

Till next time, may peace be with you.

Read more on day 5 here.

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