Public Nudes of Ruslan Lobanov

You come across artists sometimes who you just can’t get enough of. Who you find you have to share with as many friends as you can… of course to those that will appreciate it.

Ruslan Lobanov (500px) from Kyiv, Ukraine is one of those artists.

Ruslan takes photos of women, nude, usually in public situations, in black and white. What I like most about the work is how passive the models seem to be of their nudity. Some of his photos speak more to me than others in this way.

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Ruslan has a way of contrasting beautifully elegant and classy clothing with nudity. Some of the images seem as though the shirt or dress that’s worn is simply invisible to the viewers eye. I really like that feeling from his photographs.

Further to this, his work in black and white photography is just mind blowing. The lighting is so subtly soft that it completely sets the mood in all situations.

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Ruslan Lobanov - 20


I really enjoy the locations too. Locations all seem to be perfectly picked out, planned, and timed. I’ve been watching a few videos on his Vimeo channel, and his attention to detail really stands out.

Digging into the archives of Ruslan’s, I do see some images that are more explicit than delicate. I find these images take away from his style, but all the same they are very powerful photographs and align with his image he’s created as a photographer.

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I think it’s the cleanliness of all the photographs that attracts me most, that combined with beautiful models and old world locations create something to be considered.

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Ruslan Lobanov - 2


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Ruslan Lobanov - 22

Ruslan Lobanov - 23


3 Thoughts on “Public Nudes of Ruslan Lobanov

  1. Pingback: browserFruits März, Ausgabe 3 › kwerfeldein - Fotografie Magazin | Fotocommunity

  2. Michael on November 23, 2016 at 08:05 said:

    I really like this artist work, especially the semi nude shoots. The models look great in there 1950s styled clothes, exstreamly feminine and erotic.

    I have a bit of a thing for models in well tailored high waisted pants especially where the zip is located at the back. Would be great to see a shoot with a model removing such pants. It’s all about subjection !

    Well done Michael

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