Martin D Barker is a fashion and fine art photographer. He bases himself out of the UK and USA: New York, Glasgow, London. Basically, a dream job.
His work is filled with fashion, think similar to Black Milk, except it’s Abandon Ship styles, a UK brand with a similar feel… streetwear I guess one would call it.
I like this style. It’s edgy with a 90s Bowie feel. It’s androgynous and still bad enough to light fires in the desert with.
I think the photograph I first saw that made me fall in love with Martin’s work was this one, where the girl stands in the background with her hands raised up, and the boy standing the foreground enjoying life. Looming in the near distance is a GIANT waterfall.
Also, I love the bold use of tattoos. It’s a new, hip thing, you might not get it.
I am fascinated by the Abandon Ship shoots Barker has done. I can’t decide if it’s the upside down cross, or the locations that Barker used, but they’re both awesome. Right down to the rolled up jeans. It appears that the A/W (Autumn/Winter) 2012 session was done in Iceland. The S/S (Spring/Summer) 2012 was in New York.
The charismatic nature of most of the photographs intrigues me the most. Each of them is filled with a crisp image, with very precise focusing & bokeh, combined for a meticulous perfection in it’s rawness. Just enough… dig?
Looking at Barker’s high fashion, he does a good job of getting the subtle detail into focus. Take for instance the shine of the hair and the collar of the jacket for the fashion photograph below.
I think what impresses me about this work is it’s elegant declaration of fashion. It’s wild but appears controlled. It’s calculated but appears spontaneous. It’s edgy but is also conservative. I like the juxtaposition.
Yes, that is Henry Rollins just hanging out in a sweaty shirt getting his portrait shot by Barker.
To connect more with Martin D Barker, head to his blog, Martin’s Diary, or his twitter (@martindbarker)