Vancouver’s Pecha Kucha Night #20 – All Star Special Edition @ Vogue Theatre

As expected, Pecha Kucha Night Vancouver #20 was great. Vancouver’s edition of Pecha Kucha, which began in Japan by the people shown below. To clear up any confusion I will quote their “What is It” section of their page:

PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.


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Tongue N’ Cheek: Sex, Dance, and Spoken Word

Tonight, Feb 10th, 2012, at the Rio Theatre on Broadway just west of Commercial, Tongue N’ Cheek is going on. This will be filled with burlesque dancing from the beautiful troupe Sweet Soul Burlesque, who is Lola Frost, Little Miss Risk, Cherry On Top, and Crystal Precious, intertwined and mingled with spoken word by CR Avery, Mike McGee, and Jamie DeWolf. Continue Reading →

Adapting to Climate Change in Bolivia

In 2008 Bolivia was hit with some of the worst weather they have seen in half a century, inflicted by El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation, destroying most of the crops, disrupting some 123,748 households and killing 74 people  in late April. To show some size representation, this represented about 20% of the total population of the country. The Damage and Loss Assessment came in at around $511 million, which is no small matter.  Nearly half of the losses came to the agriculture sector, which fairly obviously feeds the country, not to mention their exported materials to around the world. Continue Reading →

Hobiyee: the Nisga’a Ts’amiks 2012 New Year Celebration at Vancouver’s PNE

This past weekend, February 3rd and 4th, was Hobiyee (@HobiyeeEvent), a Nisga’a Ts’amiks (@NisgaaTsamiks) New Years celebration held at the PNE Agridome in Vancouver BC. To say the least, it was humbling to watch; so many beautiful costumes, dancers, songs, and people everywhere. It was the first ever time the Nisga’a have held an event to the public to share in the journey on such a grand scale! Continue Reading →

Hobiyee – a Nisga’a Ts’amiks New Years Celebration

All this weekend the Nisga’a are holding their New Years celebration, Hobiyee, ceremony at the PNE: dance, drums, culture, and beautiful regalia everywhere.

If you are interested in First Nations culture then the Nisga’a are welcoming everybody out to their event today, Feb 4th for an experience. Continue Reading →

Dollars for Doha: a TEDxSummit Dream

Most of us by now should know about TEDx(insert city name here). Well, for those of you that don’t I’ll quote you the TED mission statement:

Ideas worth spreading

The x part, as you can see from the title image, means that they are independently organized TED events. Ideas for the community, to help bring the community together through awareness, worthy causes, and interaction with like minded people. All things good.

A friend of Chronicles of Times, Carol-Lynne, who has organized the first ever TEDxVictoria last year, 2011, has been accepted to attend the TEDxSummit in Doha, Qatar; an event exclusively for TEDx organizers with a goal to help teach each other lessons through a week of talks and workshops, with hopes that the international communication will help at a community level of the independently organized TED events.

Her motivation is obvious when she says: “I’m not asking for a specific amount – hugs and other forms of support are welcome. 😀 I feel privileged to have been invited to attend TEDxSummit. I will make this happen. TEDxVictoria must live on and grow!”

This event is very cool. 500 organizers from around the world will be attending, and I couldn’t think of a better representative for the west coast of Canada to go than Carol-Lynne.

However, Carol-Lynne needs our help to send her there. Please take a moment, if nothing else, to read about who she is and what she expects to do over in Doha, as well as what she expects to take from it in her future endeavors in this world.

Note: She also accepts hugs!

If you want to get to know Carol-Lynne more, you can find her on twitter as @Sea_Love

Vancouver’s Pecha Kucha Night #18 @ Vogue Theatre

Pecha Kucha Night is Vancouver’s version of the world wide  Pecha Kucha, now at 449 cities across the globe. It has a beautiful format: 20 pictures with 20 seconds for each picture. At this Vol, #18, they actually incorporated 20 seconds worth of video too, which was the first time this has ever been done, I believe. Continue Reading →

Bret Taylor Solo Art Show

Last night Bret Taylor opened his solo exhibit at The Tipper . It is a neat little spot on Kingsway and Victoria in East Vancouver for a show, where part of a restaurant in the front is booths, and the back opens up in a nice big room for a small band or an art show! Bret was lucky enough to have the lovely Tess McCann host his show for him, take the stress off his hands, and look lovely while doing it!

Bret’s work is pretty interesting, this series he has made really brilliant backgrounds that are topped with what looks like a half cm of clear coat which he then does his white on. It’s a pretty cool thing to look at. Continue Reading →

Six Months After March 11, 2011’s Tsunami in Japan


On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 scale earthquake hit Japan, triggering a Tsunami that devestated most of the shoreline of Japan. However, relentless cleaning efforts have brought at least the surface destruction under some control. The damage, no doubt, runs much deeper and longer in the blood of the citizens of Japan, and throughout the world for that matter.

Currently, the number of dead and missing is at around 22,900 humans. Continue Reading →